Banyak karakter Good Leader & Commander ada pada Don Dasco. He influence, inspire and mentor his team members. Ke atas loyal, ke bawah penuh hormat.
Oleh : Zeng Wei Jian
Aktivis Tionghoa
Don Dasco selalu marah bila ada serangan, fitnah, framing busuk & bully kepada Partai & Pa Prabowo Subianto.
Dia nyantai sewaktu dulu dirinya difitnah soal rekonsiliasi. Tetapi bila berkaitan dengan Partai & Ketua Umum, dia bisa explodes.
Some people sering ngga bisa bedain terms “boss” dan “leader”. Kedua istilah digunakan interchangeably, but that’s not entirely accurate.
The truth is, beberapa orang boss simply that – a boss. Mereka ada di atas management pyramid corporate. Nice office. VIP Parkir. Keputusan-nya punya efek.
However, None of that makes them a leader. There's a distinction between being just a boss and being a leader.
American Army Regulation 600-100; Army Profession and Leadership Policy, mendeskripsikan Toxic Leaders dan Bad Bosses. Tingkah keduanya “counterproductive behaviors and have a deleterious impact on the organization’s performance".
Banyak karakter Good Leader & Commander ada pada Don Dasco. He influence, inspire and mentor his team members. Ke atas loyal, ke bawah penuh hormat.
Coach Christina Eisinger mengatakan, "Bosses view their team members as subordinates, whereas leaders let go of this hierarchical distinction and view their team members as equal contributors".
She added; A Leader set an example. Don Dasco beri contoh tentang rock-solid loyalty kepada Partai, Pa Prabowo Subianto, Koleganya, Staf, Pasukan & Konstituen. In a way, a leader’s role is more motivational rather than supervisory.
The leader is driven by the values they hold dear. Bagi Don Dasco; Loyalitas itu the principal artifacts of his social policy. Seperti kata Confucius, "Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.”
Dia paham sumber kekuatan partai. "The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other," kata Godfather screenwriter Mario Puzo.